With the enhancement of E-Business, Life is getting compact, introducing new, easy and comfortable ways to make money online. I have been discussing about a lot of such earning online methods in my previous posts but today I m in a different mood. I had always been in jeopardy whether to invest a considerably good amount on hosting or not. What if the blog turned into a total failure?
What if I found later that no traffic is interested in my content? I m sure few of my readers who are still blogging on Blogspot.com will agree with me here.
So for people like me, who are not ready initially to invest their money as well as time, I have a plan B for them. You can make money online without making a website! That sounds amazing, isn’t? here are some proven techniques to make yourself rich, with no money investment.
Target Affiliate Product
Not only in this, but the first important thing you should always do, is to set your target! This one can be a little difficult and time taking perhaps but trust me once you get started with this, you will have it all. Hit upon a product, that can bring you a good commission on each sale for its promotion. It’s similar to the jobs of those bank employees on contract, whose nature of job is to bring targets and get a commission. But the best part is, no physical exercise is required here. It has been experienced the generally, digital products brings you more commissions. Digital products downloaded directly to a customer’s computer after purchasing ( e-books or software). The reason behind this is that there is no shipping costs involved in buying something digital online, the owners share a greater amount of commissions with those who bring sales to them.
This is obvious that once you decide to work on this one and get your commission too, you would want to continue the business. To keep it going on, sign up for an affiliate membership site. With this you will able to build a residual income and the continuation rate of being paid is much higher than just selling a product once.
Although many of my readers are one of the best pro-broggers, there must be few who are new to this e- world. We have been using this statement “get Affiliate” many times in our articles. It actually means that you are declaring yourself as a reseller for a product or a service that you likes and thinks can generate lots of wealth .in this case, you need to sign-up as a reseller(affiliate) for your desired product. Once you get signed up, you get a unique affiliate link which you share with people to send people to purchase the product. Your affiliate link will become your identity for your chosen product’s owner.
Catch Domain Name
A domain name will make your affiliate link look like it’s your own website, making it more memorable and look further trustworthy. For example, most people would rather click on the link bestarticles.com in spite of xyzarticles.com.
This is important to quote here that getting a domain name and buying a hosting for your website are entirely two different things. Web hosting is something too expensive as compared to getting a registered domain name. You can get it for under $9 at GoDaddy.com.
What actually happens behind the scene is that when someone types in your .com (example bestauthor.com) domain in this browser, it will go to your affiliate link. The visitor will see the website with the product you promote, bringing you revenue for bringing sales to the company.
Attract Traffic !
Knowing the Tricks to attract large traffic is all what that decides how much you will be earning. To make it simple, take it like a business of physical world. No customers – no sell- no profit – only LOSS! Therefore, In order to make sales, you need to get visitors to your domain name, which will forward them to the website of the product that you resell. To get good concentration for your domain name, You can advertise it too, only and only if the cost of advertising is less than your potential commission which you will get once you get a good traffic. You have to play a miser game here!
Article Writers and freelancers enjoy some benefits here too. If you can write articles, then do that related to your product and post them on different sites. Don’t forget to include your “domain name” at the end of your article. People will read your article and strong chances are there that they might get interested in finding more.
By doing so, if you think now, you are actually advertising your domain name – and- the product, without spending a penny on it.
This is method to make money online is very reliable and expects less input from you. Once you get an extensive commission, you may come again with a new product following all what stated above!
In my last post I advised my readers to think out of scope, and this one is a proven example. Don’t limit yourself simply just to blogging or freelancing. Keep exploring the new tactics to make your lie an easier one!
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