1.Tweet Advertisements
This is the easiest and most popular method to make money on Twitter.What you have to do is to simply put the advertisements in you daily tweets.You got paid whenever your followers will click on that advertisement and your income is directly proportional to the number of followers.More it will be,more the money you make on Twitter.This is just like the CPC (Cost Per Click)Advertising Network.There are many services which will give you advertisements to tweet,but here i will only suggest you the top best 3 free Services that Post Advertisements on Twitter.
2.Affiliate Marketing on Twitter
Many Big Companies like Amazon and Commission Junkie often promote their Products on Twitter with the most active Twitter Profiles and people with great number of followers.The second important source through which you can make money on Twitter is by promoting the products of the companies i.e Affiliate Marketing .You will be given a commission amount if any person buys the product from your given link on Twitter .If you can target the right audience in the right channels then it may be your top earning source and you can reach thousands of people with this.
The Best Affiliate Marketing Services to make money on Twitter are
a) Twittad
b) Amazon
Note:What is Basic Affiliate Marketing and top websites to make money From Blog
3.Promoting Products
As a Social Network,Twitter is always the best choice if you want to promote your own Business,Website,Brands or Products.It helps you to Connect with millions of people on Internet and who are interested in things which you might know or selling.So indirectly Twitter is helping you to expand your Business and make money with it.
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