Have you ever wondered about earning money by uploading a simple file on the internet??
I think, you haven’t thought about this way of money earning surely. But you can easily get some dollars according to the number of downloads your uploaded files make. Or in a simple way you can easily make money by uploading files online. This idea sounds good, isn’t it??
Now you are thinking that you require so much technical skills to serve this purpose. But my dear friend, this way is fully free from these technical skills and abilities. Even you do not require any writing skills also. If we compare this way of money earning to online data entry jobs and online babysitters club then this will not useful here, because this way is ahead from that. As this become surely one of the best remedies in the sense of earning money fast. There are many legal websites available, which offer reasonable packages to you. But first you have to become a free member for these sites. It is your choice that how many websites you can afford for uploading section..? One or all..!
Best Websites to Make Money by uploading Files:
(1) Docstoc.com:
Docstoc.com is a perfect place to buy and sell documents. The World Alexa Rank of Docstoc.com is about 918 with Google Page rank 5. It is the interesting place for Small Businesses & Professionals in sense of Documents & Resources. Millions of visitors come here to discover professional documents of the users who submitted them. Hence users earn money and also promote himself with their Documents. It pays 50/50 revenue generated.
There are 5 pleasing Stages/terms involved in the process of earning money by uploading files in Docstoc-
- First upload your Documents in less than 2 minutes for selling purpose by doing sign up.
- Share your advertising revenue generated by Google Adsense on your Documents as Google Adsense on your blog or website.
- Now promote yourself with your content and your business to targeted audience by using Docstoc platform.
- Embed your Documents by publishing these in your own blog and website to get indexed in search engines and drive more traffic here.
- Search Engines will help you get the higher rank on key search terms as it will in the result of higher traffic on your Documents.
So these are some inviting terms for earning money through uploading files by Docstoc.com
(2) Uploading.com:
Uploading.com is a wonderful platform for uploading files by your desktop and mobile whenever you need. The World Alexa Rank for this web portal is about 3,196 with Google Page rank 5, which is surely a recommend rank worldwide. It is also be said as the simplest and secure way and place to hosting the files. It pay $1-100 for every 1000 downloads. Uploading.com provides and offers to the client with the certain agreements. The service is only provided to individual or corporate organization for uploading and hosting their Docs.
Here client’s account depends on 4 tempting factors given by uploading.com-
- Responsibilities of accessing the data.
- Authority of user with the following agreement.
- Responsibilities for user account information as identification and password.
- Unauthorized or Invalid activity banned.
So this network is more useful for more users and lower prices plans for you.
(3) Crocko.com:
Crocko.com is one of the best example in a file sharing and uploading platform. The World Alexa Rank for this web portal is about 5,430 with Google Page rank 4, which is surely a very good rank worldwide. It is a fast and reliable file hosting and file sharing service where you can share your files with your friends, colleagues and with more people. It pays $1 for per 500 downloads.
There are two options from which you can create your account
- First is a free account, where you can manage your files and keep track of your downloads.
- Second is a Premium account, where you can faster downloads with more space(unlimited space) and more benefits.
You can directly upload up to 8 files before and after the registering and can get URLs of all of your files easily. Hence Crocko is a smart way of uploading files for generating money online.
(4) Sharecash.org:
Sharecash.org is a revolutionary site which provides the facility of serious money making by uploading files. The World Alexa Rank for this web portal is about 14,398 with Google Page rank 3, which is also not bad at all. Here, you just have to upload files and promote them. You can easily get $1-$20 for each download guaranteed.
There are various three steps involved for earning immediate cash-
- Register(Sign Up)
- Upload the files and Documents
- Earn immediate cash
They support PayPal, Payza, Payoneer, Pay quicker, Wire Transfers and Checks with their in-depth flexible payment system.
(5) FileFactory.com:
File Factory is also one of the best place for uploading files in the series of making money online. .The World Alexa Rank for this web portal is about 2,192 with Google Page rank 5, which is unbelievable. Over 6.6 million users already using this service for storage. You will get storage space of around 500Gb+unlimited file bandwidth and also get directly download link with a public link of your email.
There are 6 terms involved in the steps of File Factory storage
- Share and Store your files online
- Share your file around the world
- Organize your files with the folder
- Sending large email files easily
- Save time with direct downloads
- Store your files in the cloud
It pays you around $15 per 1000 downloads and 20% of its membership sales by your referral links. It is the oldest, safest and very popular hosting service for making money by uploading files.
Final Words:
Making money by uploading files is a new and latest fundamental in getting money fast. Many people think that the internet is not the optimistic way to generate revenue, but I would like to prove those people wrong regarding the question of Online Income. On the other way money-making through uploading files is the error free and genuine way of earning money. Internet is only the world, where a normal person can achieve unlimited money, because Internet is become only for the money making ways and purposes. So just need to the capitalized money earning sources of Internet at right time.
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