21 Eylül 2014 Pazar

How To Make Money on Google Plus - Stunning Marketing Strategies of 2013

How To  Make Money on Google Plus

Social Media Platforms are becoming popular with latest earning sources day by day. It’s all because of growing of Internet World. It’s also true that you can easily Earn a good amount from Social Networking Sites . The main pillars of social media are Facebook,TwitterLinkedIn and Google Plus. We already discussed money making process with 3 of here on Trendy-money, now it’s time to earn some rapid money from Google Plus network.
Yeah! It is totally true that you can smartly make money on Google Plus by following some favorable marketing strategies. Here, I will discuss all the important points for giving you full advantage of this wonderful platform in money aspects as well as marketing or business purpose. Now first we know some facts and useful points for starting our Google Plus account.

What is Google Plus and How to get started it??

Google plus is a well known social networking site created & owned byGoogle itself. Here, you can easily find & connect with many communities like Facebook Groups, G+ pages and Big & Famous personalities. It doesn’t take any giant steps yet for bringing more users like Facebook and Twitter, yet also it’s one of the famous social networks. You can make your own circles by setting the name of circles.
How To  Make Money on Google Plus

*Two types of Circles are available here:
#First, which is created by your named as ‘In Your Circles’, it’s depends on you that you want to show it publicly or not.
#Second, which is followed by other people named as ‘Have You In Circles’. Means people who follow you, are shown up in this circle as well as in Google Search page Results also.
Now the question is how to start it-
We all have at least one Gmail account. This account gives us a Google Plus account by going into account option of Gmail id. On the other way, you can sign in also for by your Gmail id for accessing Google+ account.

What are the benefits of Google Plus account over Other Social Networks??

Google+ has the option of +1 like ‘Facebook like’ & ‘Twitter tweet’ options. Facts tell us that 90% of Google’s earnings come from advertising the products or anything. Advertisers use most preferable platform Adwords for this purpose, which always active on G+ account also for promoting their products. So in this way, Google+ also gives them a huge support for their product marketing. You can also choose G+ as a funny and entertaining purpose like Facebook. It’s all depends on you that how you come up with all that!!

Excellent benefits of Google Plus account-

  • Promote any product in any marketing manner in different preferred communities.
  • Promote your brand and website for making it popular quickly.
  • You can easily get tons of targeted traffic and make easy online from G+.
  • Make Google+ circlesJoin Communities and Pages for taking advantages of all the latest and most popular updates.
  • Increase your followers by showing your quality skills. It will surely improve your authority on SERPs (Search Engine Page Results), which can be beneficial for any business and market evaluation.
  • Google Plus gives you huge traffic and easily increases your sells. It also depends on the number of +1s and comments.
  • It is recently announced that G+ will be looking to the bonding with Netflix and Amazon Instant videos for streaming services. If this happens than organizations and business owner will get more advantage here in their selling aspects.

Important Points to be noticed about Google Plus-

  • It’s not always possible that +1s always give the advantage to your page in search results.
  • PR(Page Rank) system does not depend on your Google plus +1s, comments and re-shares. However, it’s possible that you are an authority on Google SERPs, than it is showing you page rank of a website.
  • You should not duplicate the content here specially on communities. Each community decided for an individual type of updates. You should first read the community and pages guidelines before posting anything.

Fantastic ways to make money on Google Plus:

You can easily make money on Google Plus with some of these excellent ways-
  • Develop a Google+ Application, which is beneficial for people and enjoy money making.
  • Make Blog about Google+ on hot & current topics and earn passive income with that.
  • Create a Google+ Club for earning some buckets like Facebook Pages. Here, you can easily earn $200 for promoting other people products.
  • Hire Developers and Advertisers for your Google Plus product, which attract the traffic, and you can earn money up to $500 in one time.
  • Create a dedicated G+ blog based on specific categories with full of knowledge.

Some Excellent Marketing Strategies of Google Plus for Making Money in 2014

(1) Market your products or website on G+ in unique way (Market Analysis):

Market your products or website on G+ in unique way
You can easily market your products or website/blog on G+ and make money from blog. But you have to do this in an excellent and unique way. Try to do something different and original, which is most favorable by people. If you want to promote your blog then try to build classic contents with enormous power and easy language. Most of the bloggers do this mistake. They use high class English without knowing people taste & choices. So don’t do that. After creating content, market your products in communities & pages with suitable examples.  

(2) Generate High class back links for getting desired traffic (Back Linking):
Generate High class back links for getting desired traffic
The second step after marketing the product and contents is to create a network of a same community. You can make high class back links on their products or website for getting your favourite traffic. In this way, they also come to your product & site and give you a preferable back link. Thus it is beneficial for you to take repeating visitors to your blog. Hence, they give value to your product with the increment of Page Rank.  

(3) Promote yourself as an Authority in G+ (Self-Branding):
Promote yourself as an Authority in G+
It’s not the easy task to do on G+. As people follow you on G+, you become an authority for their account. It’s a very different term as compare to network building. It can be said as Authority building process, where a person becomes authority in particular vision. And always connect with all the people by sharing its latest topics & your own official videos. You can do the same here by becoming authority in the G+ market. Surely it will helpful in all aspects for your business as well as branding.  

(4)Always connect with your circles and followers (Get Connected Always):
Always connect with your circles and followers
It’s always necessary to connect with your circles and followers. It doesn’t matter that you are only promoting your products there. You can also show some of your skills as an example ”My interest belongs to Technology world , Amazing Facts and Beautiful Earth, so whenever I get free, I definitely share some of my favourite facts here”. In this way, you can’t loose your traffic as well as income also.  

(5) Smart Work, Creativity & Way of Presentation is the Key Thing (Execution is the main thing):
Smart Work, Creativity & Way of Presentation is the Key Thing (Execution is the main thing)
This is a valuable point of marketing strategies where you don’t need any kind of hard work to do. Just you have to improve your presentation skills by doing smart working. If you do this, you can easily become successful here on G+. You can also create smart contests and latest fundamentals of any topic by your thoughts. Hence, here creativity is must for do that.  

(6)Keep Patience and Waiting for Results (Hope for the positive results):
Keep Patience and Waiting for Results (Hope for the positive results)
It‘s a main question which always click to the mind that “I am starting G+ today, can I become successful here??” So I would like to tell you ”Each person starts his career from zero level”. It’s depends on your attitude that how much you able to justify with the negative and positive situations. In this way, you have to keep patience which is so necessary thing in each field. And wait for the results. If you did the work in accurate manner with Consistency, than the result will always positive.

Is it compulsory to use Google Plus for promoting any business??

Most of the newbies Internet Marketers think that “I am using Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn perfectly, why should I go to Google Plus”? So I want to tell you that Google Plus is the second most used platform for any marketing purpose by famous brands and big personalities. If you are not using G+ for promoting your brand, small business and products then I am afraid, you are mistaken. You can easily get followers and create your circles of selected people. This will increase your high quality traffic as well as business skills. That’s why G+ is a necessary platform for any web marketer. So if you are not taking this seriously, try to take it now and get full advantage of this wonderful social network.


Successful entrepreneurs use all the top social platforms equally whether it’s Facebook or Google Plus. Somehow, Google plus is most important platform, when we talk about Authority & Quality Back links with easy money. You can easily create your network here by following some of given marketing strategies of 2013. So use Google Plus to share your contents and products in a viral manner and get decent followers quickly to impact on SERPs as well as Page Rank.
Share your valuable opinions about Google Plus below in Comment Box..!!

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